Mondo Marmo Design
Development of Marble Projects

Our aim is to realise bespoke projects to create unique, quality products. We give shape to ideas, turning them into reality.
about us
The Company
Mondo Marmo Design aims to be a landmark in the world of marble, by meticulously following every stage of each project: from the phase of material selection to the first processing of the slab of stone, till the finishing of the product, always meeting the client’s needs.

Stone is a gift of nature: only by preserving its character we can make the best use of it, transforming it into an elegant and contemporary surface.
Oscar Wilde
The sculptor does not try to translate his thoughts into marble: rather, he thinks directly as if everything were already made of marble, he thinks in marble.
The forces of Nature guided by the hand of men: an indelible imprint which leaves its mark over time.
Marble & Stone
Information, news, advice on marble and manufacturing processes
Design of a white Carrara marble console table made for an exclusive hotel in Paris. This bathroom furniture has be
Over the years, terrazzo is becoming an increasingly popular material because it is extremely versatile in terms of
Its durability is superior to that of any other material: your natural stone floor can also be walked on by your ch
Rialto is a modern reinterpretation of the ancient paving known as "terrazzo alla Veneziana".
When speaking of marble, Carrara immediately comes to mind. Perhaps because of its beauty or because of what it rep
The term lightweight marble refers to an artefact produced in the stone industry through the combination of marble
The word marble derives from the ancient Greek mármaron or mármaros, meaning ‘shining stone’, itself derived